Full Stack Developer

I am a Full-Stack Web Developer and educator in Seattle, WA. Graduated from the University of Washington, Trilogy, Bootcamp with skills in browser-based technologies. I also received two Bachelor degrees in Cultural Anthropology and Recreation with a concentration in Ecotourism from Western Washington University in 2015.

I began working for the University of Washington as an IA for the the Full-Stack Development with JavaScript, Certificate program and am now the Instructor for the HTML & CSS Foundations course. Currently I work for Project Ascendance and Whitney’s Online Wherewithal as a Full-Stack Web Developer. I am passionate about creating tools for inclusive education and increased sustainability.

"To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life."

Walter Mitty
Kayla Newlon profile image

Contact Me

kayla.b.newlon@gmail.com 253.561.9360


Projects That I'm Proud Of